Quality over Quantity Ladies.
My mother always told me that the company you keep makes up your average or you may have heard people say that "You are who you hang around". But queen, I want you to understand on a deeper, more personal level how important it is to have quality people around you. First and foremost lets establish that your aim is for quality and NOT quantity. This is very important. Sometimes as women we get caught up in trying to be likable, but that is a battle you will never win completely. Understand that it is impossible to be everyones friend, and that is why who you include in your friend group is so important. Now I understand how different people have different friends for different reasons, but what I want to impart on you is the one or two types of friends that you NEED, especially if achieving self-love and growing as a woman are your goals. The most essential friend is probably the one you can cry too, and that may sound vague but queen know that life is going to throw launch difficulty at you and it is crucial that you have friends who will listen to you cry about how much it hurt and explain to you how possible it is to get back up and try again. Queens, please, please, please, get the Negative Nancy's out of your circle. Life will be difficult enough that you don't need the type of people who have a problem for every solution, that isn't growing queen, that is walking backwards and you can't afford to be walking backwards. Friendships shouldn't always be about getting through the dark, surround yourself with people who want to pull you out of the dark and celebrate the light. Your friendships should literally and whole heartedly build you up. I understand that society teaches us to be independent and that sometimes "not needing anybody" seems like a better option but I promise you that is a lie. Nobody wants deserves to be alone. Now lets say the friends you have don't match any of these qualities, know that that is okay. You're still growing , still prospering and still learning. Don't be afraid to make new friends, change is very healthy and sometimes very crucial to your growth. Never get discouraged, there is a whole culture of women out there just like you, trying to find their place. The most vital component to successful friendships is honestly rooted in you. Queen, I need you to understand that to attract good friends, you need to be a good friend. Just like any other type of relationship, friendship is a 2-way street, you have to give to receive. Its a healthy little concept I like to call balance. Happy belated best friend day! Stay strong!