Recently I began reading a book entitled Dear Woman by Mike the Poet. This book tackles all obstacles faced by women, from breakups to self-esteem and with each chapter it began to change my life. Now I know what your thinking, how can a book change your life? Right? Well believe it and on a side note I encourage any and everyone to read it. The idea is that as women we sometimes have insecurities that stem from our childhood experiences or we may even develop them from relationships. But what I would like you to understand, as a woman, is that you my queen are not alone. There is a whole world of women out there who have bad days just like you, who are on a journey of beginning to love the parts of them that nobody claps for. But what I would also like you to know is that, that is okay. You are growing, you are prospering and you are learning just like the rest of us. This isn't just my journey, this is our journey. Stay strong!
Hi, I'm Gabby !
About Me ����☺️
This blog is a journey. A journey to self-love and self-confidence. These posts are created to motivate you to keep going, to never give up and despite what happens in life, to always be your own biggest fan. We all have bad days, some more than others, but that is okay. Take it a day at a time, a step at a time, a blog post at a time. Namaste.
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I Believe in Manicures!
Invisible Crown
Dear Queen,
Elements of The Glow!
Quotes of The Day
Tips to Happy Life !
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