#DearFreshmen : How to Survive Your 1st Year of College!
#DearFreshmenI realize there are a lot of young people heading to college this fall that follow me. So I just thought i'd give you a couple tips.
First things first, yes college is fun, you have a lot of free time, friends, food, etc.
BUT, please do not forget where you are, school. It is much easier for your GPA to drop than it is to pull it back up. And classes only get more difficult. Try to have a strong freshman year.
Next, Everyone is not your friend, I repeat, everyone is NOT your friend. Yes please be nice to people, I encourage you to network and make connections. But everyone doesn't need to know who broke your heart or how much you and your mom don't get along. Feel people out, learn who's really for YOU.
Okay this is vital, have an OPEN mind. Please. College is what you make it. If you're having a bad time, you have all the power in the world to change your predicament. Join as many clubs as you can handle. They can be very beneficial when seeking friends w/ the same interests.
Time is essential. Please use your time wisely. Yes I want you to have fun and socialize but remember that there are ALWAYS parties in college, you will not die if you miss one to study for college algebra. Party after you pass.
Be yourself, understand that living according to popular college opinion is not what you're gonna be proud of once you graduate. Do things that are going to make you happy bc honestly, the only person you have to wake up to the next day is yourself, and your roomie of course lol
Get out of your dorm please! Campus is full of things to do, people to meet. All kinds of stuff ! And guess what? 99% of it is FREE. I guess thats one of the perks of high tuition but thats a story for another post.
Get back up when you fall and don't be embarrassed. Understand that everyone in your class is feeling the exact same way. It's new to everyone and sometimes you may have a mishap or mess up. But that's life. No matter how tough it gets, get yourself up, learn from it and try again. It's all about learning from your mistakes and not making them again.
Stay away from gossipy, drama filled, ewwwwness. Yes it still exists even after high school and most likely even after college. You don't want that. You're not there to learn about who messes with you or who argued about what. Cause honestly cares anyway? Like stahp. Iyanla Vanzant says "If it's not your story to tell, don't tell it". Live by it.
I know people always tell you to wait to date blah blah blah. But the truth is you're human and sometimes it's nice to have someone around. So what i'll tell you is that if you find someone who makes you feel all tingly inside. It's okay. I get it. Enjoy that. I hope it works out. But if it doesn't, I want you to also know that it's not the end of the world. You may cry but you'll learn to smile again. People may be all in your business but who cares. You have 3 years left to find yourself and maybe find someone. no worries. Life is moving too fast and too fierce for you to stop and give up now!
Don't hesitate to ask for help. Like ever. That's a mistake that everyone makes, even upperclassman. This aint the time for pride honey when you're trying to keep a high GPA for journalism school lol (sorry, personal rant there). But seriously, get a tutor/s, go to the professors OFFICE HOURS THEY WANT TO HELP YOU! Thats what they are paid to do, and idk about you but I'm not made of money.
This also includes counseling, which is also a FREE and UNDERRATED asset in college. It doesn't make you any less of a person to go talk to someone about a tough day, tough days or even things from the past. This is the time in your life to work on yourself, find yourself, and learn to love the parts that no one claps for. And if you need help, so be it. You'll be thankful you put your pride aside later. Btw if anyone around you judges you for doing so well you already know what they can do w/ that opinion. They're not your friend. You dodged a bullet. True friends will get it and support you.
I know I'm rambling but the last thing i'll leave you with is that its okay to be a little scared. Its a big step, I know. For the first time in your life you have complete and utter control. I have a little secret for you... you can do it. No matter how tough it may get or how scary it seems. It isn't half bad. It's actually one of the best times of your life. If i scared you I'm sorry, i don't mean to. I just felt it was only fair that I share with you all of the things I learned along the way. So live it up freshmen. This is your year! And as always Stay Strong !