All you need is a spark!
9:48 AM
Hello Queens,
these last couple of days of my journey have been great. A lot of you have
reached out to me about how much my last post helped you. Many of you also
mentioned how different it was that I was able to share a personal story about
my first break up.9:48 AM Unknown 0 Comments
What I would
like to convey to you today is that it is these small yet meaningful moments in
our lives that change us, for better or for worse. What I want you to
understand is that it is for you to choose what happens next.
bad things don’t just stop happening. As we evolve so does our state of being
along with the people we surround ourselves with. Break ups happen. Friendships end. School
gets difficult. Life happens.
The good news is
good things don’t stop happening either.
This minor detail is most times over looked, maybe because it’s easier
to recognize what’s being taken from us or maybe because we don’t always
recognize the blessing sitting right in front of us.
I’m sharing this
with you not because I think I have all the answers or because my journey is
done. I’m still growing, messing up and getting up again. I share this with you
because I don’t want you to get discouraged when something doesn’t exactly go
as planned.
Queen, don’t get in the way of your own
blessings. Welcome them when they come because the
only thing in life that is constant is change.
So when the opportunity presents itself for you to get back up and try
again. Take it.
You owe it to
yourself to have the best life possible. Not only because you deserve it but
because you fell and got back up too many times not to receive the life you’ve
worked so hard for.
Yesterday my bff
brought a sunflower to my job. A couple of the leaves were dying and some of
the petals were droopy. But the stems were still a bright green and it was
covered with small little flower buds ready to blossom in a week or two.
For a moment she
plead her case about how beautiful it was when she bought it, it just got a
little too much sun. But for me…….it was perfect.
What I mean is
that just like my new flower , everything in life has its good and its bad. And
sometimes the good even has a little bit of bad and that’s okay because the
best things in life don’t come easy. Great things take time, hard work and dedication.
This is how I
want you to look at or journey queen. Some days are going to suck and we’re
just gonna wanna eat ice cream and watch scandal. (btw this is a great way to
escape a bad day just make sure you drink a lot of water lol) Other days we’ll
wanna get dressed up and go out just
because we can.
The point is, no
matter what, you’ll be okay. At the beginning of the summer, a very good friend
of mine sent me a long email and at the end of it she said “We all struggle, but it's your recovery that defines
when those bad days come queen welcome them with a fabulous hair flip and the
idea that no matter what tomorrow will be a better day. Because after all, this
is our journey and were never giving up. Stay strong!
"You cried but you learned to smile again"
7:38 AM
Queens, meet my best friend Taylor. Hiiiiiiiiiiii Taylor :) She could possibly kill me for this but we'll see what happens lol. After being complete arch enemies freshman and sophomore year of high school, junior year became a pivotal year or us.7:38 AM Unknown 0 Comments
Tay and I ironically signed up for the same hour of spanish junior year and by God's will we were assigned seats RIGHT next to each other.
Okay, this is awkward, we actually had never talked and had no concrete reason to not be friends. We were in a high school of less than 350 students, so made up disagreements were sort of a thing. Stupid I know but thats a story for another day.
It is so funny to me now because we had no idea that we had both walked into those 2 glass doors that year, ready to start over, ready to heal and ready to be in charge of our own lives.
It was that moment in every girls life where you finally realize how stupid boys are and how sometimes they do muster up enough power to make you cry.
As you may have guessed, those awkward 50 minutes in spanish eventually turned into full blown heart to hearts. When I say heart to heart I want you to understand that the things we confided in each other were real and essentially we were ready to let. them. go.
So together, that year we decided to begin a journey and that we did. Now that moment wasn't the end of our heart break or our disappointment in life. The last two years had their low points and even today we have bad days. But that wasn't the point.
The important fact was that now we knew that no matter how difficult things got everything would be okay and that like always we would get through them together.
The summer after senior year was my first and most emotional heart break. The guy I had been involved with had woke up one morning and decided to impart on me how amazing I was and how much I deserved the world. He also preceded to tell me that he wasn't ready for a relationship anymore.....what? Yea annoying. That wasn't really the issue, been there done that.
The real dagger in the heart was the girlfriend he acquired a month later. Talk about terrible time. I share this with you queens because I want you to understand how vital good friends are in difficult times.
As you may have guessed again, honey I was saaaaaaaaaaaad. I called Taylor day in and day out mad, over it, "moving on", then mad again, then sad and the cycle began. Until one day, she called me in the middle of the night and said the one thing that changed the way I looked at hard times.
She said "Gabby, I know this sucks but I need you to understand that no mater how bad it gets, just like everything we will get through it". Then she reminded me of all of those mornings in spanish, "You cried but you learned to smile again, you can do that again, and again, and again".
Because of these words, I was able to heal that summer. *this is kinda my thing lol.
I was me again. I was okay not because I thought it wouldn't happen again or life would always be smooth sailing from here. I was okay because I knew that due to a series of difficult events, we knew we could conquer anything.
Around August/September Mr. Confused popped back up suddenly "ready" *eye roll x1000000000
But his time was up and because of that summer I spent with my best friend, going out to eat, going to random movies, crying, laughing, dancing had prepared me for this moment. So I politely told him that our time had passed, I hope all is well and life goes on.
My crown was finally back on my head securely, I did it. We did it. Taylor and I have had our share of ups and downs, disappointments in life and they didn't just stop with high school. They still happen to this day. The difference is we aren't stuck, we aren't helpless and we know that when one door closes a bigger, brighter one is opened for us.
So we laugh, cry, yell, and feel everything our heart has to offer. But we do so with the understanding that eventually, you have to get back up, readjust our crown and keep going.
You are possibly wondering what exactly am I getting at. The point is, I need you to understand how much having a shoulder , just one shoulder to cry on can change your life. That as women we can build bridges together that can get you through the hardest of times, because baby girl, bad breakups are only the beginning. I want you to know that good friends can make the worst day feel like the best.
If you have a friend that can make you laugh in the middle of a mental break down thats a keeper and yes that has happened lol Its probably one of the most mind blowing experiences lol
Along with making room for your crown in every picture, make room for your best friend too.
She'll be your voice of reason and your personal therapist when you can't exactly figure out what it is you feel.
So if you ever see my best friend say hello, give her a hug, ask her hows life. She's a lil gem lol
I hope that today you welcome life with an open heart, an open mind and your bestie right by your side haha and as always Stay Strong!
Get Your Happy Back ☺️
7:09 PM
Queen, I know this isn't the usual time we meet. But this was on my heart and I just thought I should share it with you. So today I was out shopping for my new apartment and I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a very long time. Surprisingly, instead of saying hello, they asked why I seemed so happy. Then they went on to guess what exactly was making me so happy. Was is new friends? Was it a boy? Was it my school? What? For starters, I was unaware that I was radiating so much happiness. But more importantly, I was disappointed that one of those choices failed to consist of me being happy just because I decided to do so , because I'm in a place where loving myself and doing whats going to make Gabby happy is #1 on my list. I was completely and utterly baffled. Now granted, friendships can definitely bring light to your life as well as relationships and so on. But for me, for us queen, our biggest victory is finding happiness that isn't rooted in the the presence of another person or a particular stage in life because both are subject to change at any moment. Queen I'm talking about a happiness that has you listening to Beyonce at 3 in the morning laughing with your best friend about something stupid you did your sophomore year of high school. I'm talking about a happiness that has you dancing to Honeymoon Ave. by Ariana Grande and performing it in your living room knowing its a sad song but singing it as if were the happiest song in the world. I want you to get to a place where you wake up and just decide to go to the park, go see a random movie at 11 at night, dye your hair, read a new book, any and everything that will put a smile on your face, do it. I wanted to take this post to remind you that your happiness is the most important thing right now. We're at a point in our lives where we'e old enough to recognize when situations are doing more harm to us than good. We also are old enough to know how the decisions we make effect the happiness of those around us. So queen, here's what I need form you, be responsible with your actions. Both how you treat yourself and the people you come into contact with are most important. Do me a favor and try to do one thing a day that is going to get you a little bit closer to being a happier, healthier, lighter hearted you. Declare, claim, and own the fact that you like your life but you aren't going to settle for like, you want to love. I bring this to your attention queen because I don't want you to wake up one day at 45 with regrets that you didn't do enough things that made you happy. I don't want you to continue in unhealthy relationships or studying a major that is going to make you miserable in the long run. Queen I don't want you to settle for surviving life. I want you to live because that's what you deserve. Realize that life is too short for the key to your happiness to be in someone's pocket. We're on a journey to being the kind of women our mothers can be proud of, our daughters can look up to and the world can respect. Why not be a happy one while were at it. Now I'm not saying we won't have hard days, they will come, but I just want to make sure that after the hard day is over we get back up and decide to live again. There is a reason the saying goes that "The happiest women are the prettiest". You radiate on the outside what you feel on the inside. You deserve your happiness queen. So stop waiting for it to happen! Life is not a fairytale, we only get to keep what we are willing to maintain, happiness included. Go get your happy queen and as always, Stay Strong !7:09 PM Unknown 0 Comments
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Hi, I'm Gabby !
About Me ����☺️
This blog is a journey. A journey to self-love and self-confidence. These posts are created to motivate you to keep going, to never give up and despite what happens in life, to always be your own biggest fan. We all have bad days, some more than others, but that is okay. Take it a day at a time, a step at a time, a blog post at a time. Namaste.
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