Never Stop Dreaming Because Yas You're A Queen

1:45 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey Queens I recently moved into my first apartment and in the midst of decorating and rearranging my whole life lol I decided it was important to display a dream board.

Now for my queens who haven't been introduced to the idea yet, its basically a board that you design to keep yourself moving forward. You can put any and everything on it that signifies something important or something that represents your future and where you want to be.            

I bring this to your attention queens because I want to stress to you the importance of keeping in mind all of the things that you want in life.

I want you to hold close to your heart each and every thing that you are working for and towards. And honestly queens, it could be anything, pictures, , tickets, posters, quotes, cards. ANYTHING!

It could even be something that someone gave to you that made you happy at some point and you keep it bc you hope to be in that place again. So Girl, anything goes. Just make sure that what you're speaking or "posting" into existence are all positive things that will grow you and not slow you.

Because dolls, at this point we have come so far and we don't have time to focus on what's behind us. The only things acceptable for our dream board are things that make our hearts warm, our minds focused and our dreams bigger.

So I just wanted to share a couple pieces of mine in hopes that maybe it will inspire what you decide to add to yours.

First in foremost I'm sure you peeped my " Ive been to New York" sign. If you know me, you know that a brownstone in New York City is my greatest goal in life. Like fr please understand that I live to get back to New York, its important to me, so I added it.

I also have a couple of notes that important people in my life have written me and pictures of my friends as well. Why include my friends on a board that is dedicated to my future? Well here's your answer ! No matter how fast life moves, no matter how amazing it gets, my friends will always be my foundation and I want to have that forever.  

The last thing I'll share with you is a picture of myself from when I was about 2 years old. I had on a pink onesie with a glass in one hand and a gallon of milk in the other. Funny? Cute? Weird? lol idk how you'll take that but the point is I was the happiest 2 year old in the world. Its a reminder that no matter how hard life gets, how many changes I go through or different friends I make, to remain myself. Because deep down no matter how grown and busy I get, I will always be the same light hearted, happy, 2 year old gabby.

To make the longest story short lol Claim your dreams queen. You can have any and everything you want in life queens, you just have the courage, patience and determination to go get it. I know that you can because I believe in you, and as always, stay strong ðŸ‘‘🎀


Happy Beginning of the End Queens !

7:21 AM Unknown 0 Comments


#DearFreshmen : How to Survive Your 1st Year of College!

3:54 PM Unknown 0 Comments


I realize there are a lot of young people heading to college this fall that follow me. So I just thought i'd give you a couple tips.
First things first, yes college is fun, you have a lot of free time, friends, food, etc.
BUT, please do not forget where you are, school. It is much easier for your GPA to drop than it is to pull it back up. And classes only get more difficult. Try to have a strong freshman year.

Next, Everyone is not your friend, I repeat, everyone is NOT your friend. Yes please be nice to people, I encourage you to network and make connections. But everyone doesn't need to know who broke your heart or how much you and your mom don't get along. Feel people out, learn who's really for YOU.

Okay this is vital, have an OPEN mind. Please. College is what you make it. If you're having a bad time, you have all the power in the world to change your predicament. Join as many clubs as you can handle. They can be very beneficial when seeking friends w/ the same interests.

Time is essential. Please use your time wisely. Yes I want you to have fun and socialize but remember that there are ALWAYS parties in college, you will not die if you miss one to study for college algebra. Party after you pass.

Be yourself, understand that living according to popular college opinion is not what you're gonna be proud of once you graduate. Do things that are going to make you happy bc honestly, the only person you have to wake up to the next day is yourself, and your roomie of course lol

Get out of your dorm please! Campus is full of things to do, people to meet. All kinds of stuff ! And guess what? 99% of it is FREE. I guess thats one of the perks of high tuition but thats a story for another post.

Get back up when you fall and don't be embarrassed. Understand that everyone in your class is feeling the exact same way. It's new to everyone and sometimes you may have a mishap or mess up. But that's life. No matter how tough it gets, get yourself up, learn from it and try again. It's all about learning from your mistakes and not making them again.

Stay away from gossipy, drama filled, ewwwwness. Yes it still exists even after high school and most likely even after college. You don't want that. You're not there to learn about who messes with you or who argued about what. Cause honestly cares anyway? Like stahp.  Iyanla Vanzant says "If it's not your story to tell, don't tell it". Live by it.

I know people always tell you to wait to date blah blah blah. But the truth is you're human and sometimes it's nice to have someone around. So what i'll tell you is that if you find someone who makes you feel all tingly inside. It's okay. I get it. Enjoy that. I hope it works out. But if it doesn't, I want you to also know that it's not the end of the world. You may cry but you'll learn to smile again. People may be all in your business but who cares. You have 3 years left to find yourself and maybe find someone. no worries. Life is moving too fast and too fierce for you to stop and give up now!

Don't hesitate to ask for help. Like ever. That's a mistake that everyone makes, even upperclassman. This aint the time for pride honey when you're trying to keep a high GPA for journalism school lol (sorry, personal rant there). But seriously, get a tutor/s, go to the professors OFFICE HOURS THEY WANT TO HELP YOU! Thats what they are paid to do, and idk about you but I'm not made of money.

This also includes counseling, which is also a FREE and UNDERRATED asset in college. It doesn't make you any less of a person to go talk to someone about a tough day, tough days or even things from the past. This is the time in your life to work on yourself, find yourself, and learn to love the parts that no one claps for. And if you need help, so be it. You'll be thankful you put your pride aside later. Btw if anyone around you judges you for doing so well you already know what they can do w/ that opinion. They're not your friend. You dodged a bullet. True friends will get it and support you.

I know I'm rambling but the last thing i'll leave you with is that its okay to be a little scared. Its a big step, I know. For the first time in your life you have complete and utter control. I have a little secret for you... you can do it. No matter how tough it may get or how  scary it seems. It isn't half bad. It's actually one of the best times of your life. If i scared you I'm sorry, i don't mean to. I just felt it was only fair that I share with you all of the things I learned along the way. So live it up freshmen. This is your year! And as always Stay Strong !


Coffee and Consistency (Treat Yoself) !

8:07 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Queens, if you know me, you know that there are two things I love more than anything in this world, coffee and consistency. Like girl, I NEED both to just function on a regular basis.

 Everyday when I get to work, I pour myself a cup of coffee. Aside from it basically being liquid gold, it keeps me together. It's like a little promise I made to myself, to treat myself every morning before I my interns get in eager to work.

My cup of coffee every morning in my consistency. It's my everyday ritual. Gabby's treat to herself.

Okay so the reason I'm babbling on about my mornings is because I would like to stress to you the importance of doing things for yourself queen. No matter how big or small!

It's important to to treat yourself, give yourself something to look forward to each and everyday. You have to give yourself things to look forward to.

And guess what else queen you don't have to have an explanation for treating yourself. Here's what you tell people when they ask, "Because I can!". And include some sass because why are they so worried about you. lol Anyway this is a testament to the fact that sometimes it's the little things that matter the most, that fuel you up each day.

My coffee is my comfort. Like no matter how my previous day went, I know that next morning I get to wake up, pour my little happiness into my PBS cup and read the top stories on USA Today and BBC America. That's my gift to myself, to get my day started.

So queens, do me a favor! Treat yourself. Idc if it's as simple as buying the monthly issue of vogue or even a pair of shoes every pay day, just to treat yourself. Go out to eat alone, order a movie you've been dying to see, listen to your favorite Rich Homie Quan song or maybe some throwback Kanye in the morning. Sing you heart out to Ariana Grande if you'd like.

Just do me a favor queens, do what makes you happy. And as always, Stay Strong!


11:20 AM Unknown 0 Comments


Keep Not Settling!

9:43 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Queens, it’s Saturday morning, 2 weeks before I move back to school and I just wanted to touch bases with you all bc you were on my heart. 

I just want to make sure that while you're preparing for the next season of your life, you are still putting yourself, your happiness, and your well being first.

To be able to invest in people and to have the ability to see the good in someone when they cannot see it in themselves is an amazing gift.

While I encourage you queens to build each other up and to network and make connections as often as possible, I also would like to remind you of the importance of maintaing self.

What you feel on the inside is what you manifest on the outside. Because of this I want to make sure that no matter what life throws at you, you won't let it kill your spirit or your dreams.

Queen I'm going to be honest with you, one of the biggest things I vowed to work on within my self this summer was to kill the presence of self doubt. Some times we get so lost in the shuffle of life that we forget how far we have come and how much bravery it took for us to get there. 

Do me a favor and think about this, you've already survived 100% of your worst days. No matter how long it took you and no matter how high the difficulty level, you still won. YOU did that. Give yourself a little credit. 

Believe in yourself. Believe in your grind. And believe in your power. I want to stress to you how important it is to not let anyone dim the light within you. It's yours. Because of each time you fell and got back up, your light shines brighter and brighter. 

There's one last point I’d like to stress to you before I let you get to your weekend. Queens, I want you to get to a place where you live your life independent of what others think of you. Granted a lot of times it takes the long nights of ice cream, movies and heart to heart advice with friends to get through difficult situations. 

But at the same time, you have to be your own woman that isn't fixated or fueled by what others think. Yes everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions but they don't get the power to change how you feel about yourself. Your opinion of you will always be more important that what fits the status quo.

The bottom line is this. Keep not settling. Love all the parts of yourself that you never thought you could. Believe in yourself, your power and your dreams. Give yourself credit. And believe when I say that queen it is at your lowest points that you are the strongest. 

Pull through the rest of your summer. You got it. I believe in you. And as always, Stay Strong!